Watching Over Her

Bodyguards, Inc., #3

Reeks: Bodyguards, Inc.


Watching Over Her

Jack Cameron hadn't seen her in years but there she was in all her spitfire glory, glaring down at him. And she was still damned beautiful. No matter what their past, no matter what she wanted or didn't want, she had a stalker and he would be watching over her until the mystery of who the stalker was solved and she was safe once again. But his body burned for her, ached for her, needed her; it was his head that needed convincing to stop running and his heart that would lead the way home where he belonged, back to her.

Arabella Carson thought she was over Jack Cameron. She had finally found her path and sung her way to success, headlining a new supper club. So why was he back? And why did her body have to remind her how good they had been together? When a few of what she thought were accidents began to turn more deadly, she gave in to his protection, then gave into the need for his touch for just one night. But would one night be enough for them both? More importantly, would Jack's protection be enough to save her from the deranged man who meant to silence her voice forever?

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