Unleash the Inferno
Tamara Shoemaker
- After
- the
- Battle
- at
- ClarenVale,
- Kinna
- Andrachen
- unites
- those
- who
- spurn
- King
- Sebastian's
- tyrannical
- reign,
- mustering
- a
- rag-tag
- army
- of
- soldiers
- and
- creatures
- to
- face
- Sebastian's
- far
- larger
- Lismarian
- army.
- Victory
- is
- elusive
- and
- allies
- are
- scarce,
- but
- Kinna's
- tenacious
- spirit
- cannot
- succumb
- to
- injustice.
- Her
- fiery
- heart
- must
- learn
- to
- lead.At
- last
- mastering
- control
- of
- the
- four
- Touches
- of
- the
- powerful
- Amulet,
- Ayden
- finds
- himself
- at
- the
- center
- of
- an
- epic
- struggle
- to
- destroy
- the
- corruption
- that
- has
- tainted
- the
- throne
- of
- Lismaria
- for
- centuries.
- As
- time
- runs
- out,
- his
- options
- for
- survival
- fade,
- surrendering
- him
- to
- a
- dark
- destiny.Tied
- to
- a
- fate
- he
- does
- not
- want,
- Cedric
- Andrachen
- resists
- his
- inheritance,
- fleeing
- the
- lust
- for
- power
- it
- sparks
- in
- him.
- As
- war
- looms,
- Cedric
- faces
- his
- choices:
- will
- he
- turn
- his
- back
- on
- his
- throne
- and
- his
- kingdom?
- Or
- will
- he
- enter
- the
- struggle
- against
- tyranny,
- bringing
- the
- freedom
- his
- people
- have
- so
- long
- sought?Sebastian
- sits,
- at
- last,
- on
- the
- Lismarian
- throne,
- stolen
- from
- him
- twenty
- years
- prior.
- But
- now
- the
- Rebellion,
- led
- against
- him
- by
- his
- niece
- and
- nephew,
- threatens
- his
- security
- from
- across
- the
- Channel,
- and
- the
- Amulet's
- promise
- of
- power
- tempts
- him
- into
- even
- darker
- shadows.
- Ghosts
- of
- the
- past
- brutalize
- Sebastian's
- present
- until
- the
- lines
- of
- reality
- blur
- with
- nightmare.Flames
- of
- war
- ignite
- between
- nations.
- Peril
- threatens
- the
- Andrachen
- line.
- will
- survive
- the inferno?
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