Playing a New Game
A Black Woman's Guide to Being Well and Thriving in the Workplace
Tammy Lewis Wilborn, PhD, PhD
- Drawing
- on
- first-hand
- clinical
- insight
- and
- scientific
- research,
- this
- guide
- book
- offers
- advice
- on
- how
- women
- of
- color
- can
- be
- high-performing
- and
- successful
- professionally,
- without
- sacrificing
- their
- physical,
- mental,
- and
- emotional
- wellness—a
- "must-have
- for
- Black
- women"
- (LaTonya
- Summers,
- PhD
- LCMHC-S).Black
- and
- brown
- women
- have
- been
- making
- profound
- strides
- in
- leadership
- and
- professional
- achievement,
- despite
- facing
- the
- added
- hurdles
- of
- both
- sexism
- and
- racism
- in
- the
- workplace.
- But
- so
- often,
- excelling
- at
- work
- comes
- at
- the
- expense
- of
- their
- wellness.
- The
- chronic
- stressors
- and
- demands
- on
- Black
- women
- can
- result
- in
- negative
- physical
- health
- outcomes
- such
- as
- sleep
- disturbance,
- hypertension,
- diabetes,
- and
- negative
- mental
- health
- outcomes
- including
- anxiety
- and
- depression.
- We
- cannot
- talk
- about
- career
- advancement
- for
- Black
- and
- brown
- women
- without
- talking
- about
- strategies
- that
- promote
- their
- total
- wellbeing.Playing
- a
- New
- Game
- offers
- women
- a
- new
- way
- forward,
- in
- which
- ambition
- and
- wellness
- can
- not
- only
- coexist,
- but
- bolster
- each
- other.
- With
- insights
- from
- her
- 20
- years
- of
- professional
- counseling
- experience
- and
- extensive
- research,
- mental
- health
- expert
- Dr.
- Tammy
- Wilborn
- expands
- the
- dialogue
- on
- womens'
- experiences
- of
- race
- and
- gender
- stereotypes
- at
- work,
- exploring
- them
- as
- a
- wellness
- issue.Through
- her
- evidence-based
- best
- practices
- that
- promote
- self-care
- and
- self-empowerment
- as
- necessary
- tools
- for
- professional
- success,
- Black
- and
- brown
- women
- can
- flip
- the
- script
- by
- prioritizing
- their
- wellness
- even
- as
- they
- advance
- professionally.Now
- available
- in paperback!
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