Noodleheads Take It Easy
Reeks: Noodleheads
Tedd Arnold ; Martha Hamilton ; Mitch Weiss
- Taking
- it
- easy
- is
- easy
- peasy,
- until
- Mac
- and
- Mac
- give
- it
- a
- try!
- This
- colorful
- graphic
- novel
- will
- have
- 1st
- and
- 2nd
- grade
- independent
- readers
- laughing
- out
- loud
- at
- Noodleheads’
- funny
- adventures.Mac
- and
- Mac
- want
- to
- take
- it
- easy
- and
- eat
- their
- favorite
- pie,
- but
- making
- pie
- isn’t
- as
- easy
- as
- eating
- it!
- Or
- is
- it?
- Along
- the
- way
- they
- their
- friends
- and
- mom
- give
- them
- tricks
- to
- make
- it
- as
- easy
- as…well
- pie!
- But
- the
- boys’
- shenanigans
- make
- things
- harder
- than
- they
- need
- to
- be.
- Will
- Mac
- and
- Mac
- get
- to
- have
- their
- pie
- and
- eat
- it
- too?This
- seventh
- book
- in
- the
- Noodleheads
- graphic
- novel
- series
- is
- perfect
- for
- comic
- fans
- and
- reluctant
- readers.
- Short
- chapters--full
- of
- wordplay,
- jokes,
- and
- slapstick
- humor--follow
- Mac
- and
- Mac
- through
- their
- funny
- adventures.
- It
- is
- co-written
- and
- illustrated
- by
- Tedd
- Arnold,
- known
- for
- his
- popular
- Fly
- Guy
- series.Based
- on
- traditional
- world
- folktales
- and
- stories
- of
- fools,
- the
- Noodleheads
- encourage
- critical
- thinking.
- They
- invite
- readers
- to
- use
- their
- noodles
- to
- spot
- holes
- in
- the
- brothers'
- grand
- plans.
- Source
- notes
- by
- co-authors
- Martha
- Hamilton
- and
- Mitch
- Weiss,
- professional
- storytellers
- known
- as
- Beauty
- and
- the
- Beast,
- provide
- information
- about
- the
- traditional
- stories
- that
- inspired
- Mac
- and
- Mac's
- mishaps
- and
- give
- suggestions
- for
- further
- reading.This
- easy-to-read
- series,
- including
- the
- Geisel
- Honor
- book
- Noodleheads
- See
- the
- Future,
- is
- an
- accessible
- introduction
- to
- stories
- of
- fools,
- and
- a
- great
- next
- read
- for
- fans
- of
- the
- Fly
- Guy
- books.A
- Junior
- Library
- Guild
- Gold
- Standard Selection
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