2025 part Three
2025, #3
Reeks: 2025
Terrence Aubrey
- Whilst
- the
- situation
- across
- the
- planet
- was
- going
- from
- bad
- to
- worse
- those
- at
- the
- Refuge
- were
- going
- from
- stregnth
- to
- strength......so
- far.
- Unknown
- to
- them
- the
- valley
- in
- which
- they
- lived
- was
- widely
- known
- for
- its
- fertile
- soil
- and
- abundance
- of
- water.It
- was
- a
- tempting
- option
- for
- those
- that
- had
- done
- next
- to
- nothing
- to
- prepare
- themselves
- for
- the
- worsening
- situation
- both
- locally
- and
- worldwide.
- that
- was
- something
- that
- those
- at
- the
- Refuge
- were
- about
- to
- discover
- for
- themselves
- very soon
pro-mbooks3 : libris