The View from the Hill

Reeks: The View from the Hill


The View from the Hill

The view from the hill is a collection of articles and observations of life. I have tried to take a far from the madding crowd perspective. It is, if you like a view from afar, an appraisal, a stock take.
These observations whilst covering a wide spectrum of modern day woes are not in truth modern. They are, I would suggest, timeless and cut through many of our concepts of life in the new millennium. Are they valid, worthy of sharing and considering? Obviously I think yes, but you the reader must draw your own conclusions.
The road we have followed is a dangerous one, why, because we have evolved in a very unbalanced way. We have either presumed, or assumed that our actions are independent of the very World we share.
Why that should be forms the basis of my observations. Whilst I accept that many will disagree, I hope that at the least the alternative perspective I present here is worthy of your consideration.

pro-mbooks3 : libris