How great is the power of nature? From a human perspective, practically limitless, it was something that the human race was very soon to experience first hand.
What is the Gaia theory? The scientist James Lovelock brought the theory to the public domain in 1970’s. Together with Lynn Margulis a microbiologist; they determined that planet earth could and would maintain and sustain the conditions to sustain life on earth, all life on earth.
While the suggestion that planet earth herself might be a sentient form of life was controversial, bold and even regarded as far fetched by modern man, it was in fact nothing new. The theory that ultimately the Earth herself would act to protect and ensure the continuance of all life on earth had long been regarded as a truism and by many ancient civilisations.
Many of modern mans predecessors believed that planet earth was more than a mere rock within a universe of similar rocks. Even more, interesting, many within these ancient tribes claimed to have enjoyed a connection with the spirits of Mother Earth itself. History books are littered with tales of such a connection and worldwide. Within the America’s, north and south, Asia, India, The Himalayas, China and even within the Pacific islands and Australia, examples of this connection can be found within ancient scriptures. To mankind’s loss, each and every one of these ancient civilisations were ultimately rendered extinct and or irrelevant, much of their knowledge with them.
One species of man, one form of civilisation, slowly, but surely became dominant, we can call it modern man. History would show this to have been an error of monumental proportions. The knowledge that was lost, as modern man swept to dominance, would only later be recognised as the disaster that it in fact was, later, much later.
Modern man proved to be inventive, technologically brilliant and doggedly determined to bend all life on earth to its will. The problem was one of balance; modern man did not enjoy this luxury. It would be fair to say the modern man believed only in what he could see hear and touch. In comparison with many of the ancient civilisations that modern man rendered extinct, modern man enjoyed limited understanding. The World and all it contained was regarded one huge source of resources. Resources that could and would be utilised as needed.
Almost from the beginnings of modern mans worldwide dominance, the balance of life on earth began to tilt one dimensionally. It would be hundreds of years before the increasing imbalance would become undeniable. Even worse, for many within the now worldwide tribe of modern man, the imbalance would never be acknowledged.
Mother Nature was patient, perhaps way too patient. She only began to exercise her frightening power at the eleventh hour. How best could the power of Mother Nature be summed up? In one word, awesome, the mighty human race was in truth as but fleas against such power.
When Hell came to Earth, although a work of fiction, looks at one possible scenario of natures awesome power, and its consequences. Despite modern mans dominance of planet earth and all it contained, against the power of nature; he was effectively impotent and helpless. In fact as helpless and impotent as the wildlife he had effectively and contemptuously swept aside.