Dying Thunder

The Battle Of Adobe Walls & Palo Canyon, 1874

Reeks: The Plainsmen Series


Dying Thunder
Terry Johnston

Newly freed from service with the 10th Cavalry, Seamus Donegan joins a party of buffalo hunters as they follow the shrinking herds into the ancient hunting grounds of the Kiowa and Comanche. The presence of the white men ignites a storm of Indian fury and the group is besieged. Donegan and some 27 men and one woman take shelter in a few sod shanties. They hold off over 700 braves for five days in the fight at Adobe Walls.

From then on, the U.S. Army would not rest until the Indians of the Staked Plain returned to their reservations. Under the command of Colonel Ranald Slidell Mackenzie, Seamus Donegan rides back to that embattled land as the U.S. Army tracks the tribes of Chief Quanan Parker to Palo Duro canyon--for a bloody showdown that would forever change the face of the West.

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