The Covid Conspiracy
The globalist takeover and the Great Reset
Thierry Baudet ; Steve Bannon
- "Thierry
- Baudet
- is
- one
- of
- the
- most
- important
- grassroots
- leaders
- in
- the
- world.”
- Steve
- Bannon
- who
- cares
- for
- human
- liberty
- should
- read
- this
- book.”
- Robert
- F.
- Kennedy
- Jr.
- Number
- One
- bestseller
- in
- the
- Netherlands,
- this
- book
- by
- Dutch
- politician
- and
- opposition
- leader
- Thierry
- Baudet
- describes
- the
- conspiracy
- of
- Western
- governments
- against
- their
- own
- people
- during
- the
- so-called
- Covid
- pandemic
- which
- began
- in
- 2020.
- is
- the
- only
- elected
- politician
- in
- the
- Western
- world
- to
- have
- radically
- opposed
- every
- aspect
- of
- the
- Covid
- scam
- -
- the
- lockdowns,
- the
- face
- masks,
- the
- social
- distancing,
- the
- social
- restrictions
- and
- the
- so-called
- “vaccines.”
- the
- death
- rates
- and
- effects
- of
- the
- coronavirus
- on
- the
- healthcare
- system,
- Baudet
- argues
- that
- it
- was
- never
- as
- dangerous
- as
- Big
- Media
- wanted
- us
- to
- believe.
- Studying
- the
- effects
- of
- vaccinations,
- he
- claims
- that
- we
- became
- lab
- rats
- for
- the
- unnecessary,
- experimental
- and
- dangerous
- injections
- of
- Big
- Pharma.
- Researching
- the
- political
- measures
- that
- were
- taken,
- such
- as
- lockdowns,
- the
- imposition
- of
- face
- masks
- and
- QR
- codes
- restricting
- our
- movements,
- he
- concludes
- that
- they
- were
- introduced
- by
- Big
- Government
- with
- intentions
- other
- than
- public
- health.
- deeply
- shocking
- and
- ground-breaking
- book
- shows
- that,
- behind
- the
- destruction
- of
- businesses,
- the
- tearing
- apart
- of
- families,
- the
- elderly
- left
- to
- die
- alone,
- and
- the
- millions
- of
- citizens,
- including
- children,
- terrified
- into
- submission,
- there
- was
- –
- and
- is
- –
- a
- globalist
- elite
- that
- sees
- in
- Covid
- an
- opportunity
- for
- a
- Great
- Reset:
- a
- digitally-controlled
- community
- with
- no
- democracy
- involved
- –
- a
- re-design
- of
- society
- in
- which
- people
- no
- longer
- enjoy
- any
- liberties
- but
- those
- granted
- to
- them
- by
- the
- state.
- book
- is
- not
- just
- an
- eye-opener;
- it
- is
- also
- an
- appeal
- to
- oppose
- this
- Great
- Reset
- before
- it
- turns
- us,
- free
- men
- and
- women,
- into slaves.
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