Murderous Ovation


In 1959, a series of horrifying murders shocks a provincial town. Themembers of an artistic theatrical community are wiped out one by one indifferent chilling ways, all connected to dramatized deaths taken fromthe heroic, folk plays of the traditional Shadow Puppet Theater. Theperpetrator of these murders seems to have perfect knowledge of theart's repertory, according to the testimony of Yakovakis, an experienced shadow puppeteer that lives in the area. The police investigationreaches a dead end until a 'ghost' from the past returns.
Who is this visitor from the past that is responsible for the murders?
What kinds of guilt do the victims hide within them?
What is the exact relationship between the plays and the murders?
What do they have to do with Greek history?
Could the presence of Yakovakis be the precursor of future troubles?
Should the Shadow Theater occasionally be renamed the Blood Theater?

An original detective novel from the mysterious East at the exact point where it meets the West.
The art of modern Greek shadow puppetry, at once timeless and ancient, isthe protagonist in a detective novel divided into seven parts, according to the plot of seven of its finest classic plays.
In the foreground, there is the search for the murderer.
In the background, the initiation to the hidden history of the horrific events surrounding the bas-relief shadow puppet.

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