War to the Knife
Bleeding Kansas, 1854–1861
Reeks: Stackpole Classics
Thomas Goodrich
- This
- history
- shines
- a
- light
- on
- America’s
- “first
- civil
- war”:
- the
- bloody
- conflict
- in
- Kansas
- Territory
- between
- abolitionists
- and
- proslavery
- extremists.Long
- before
- the
- secession
- crisis
- at
- Fort
- Sumter
- ignited
- the
- War
- between
- the
- States,
- men
- fought
- and
- died
- on
- the
- prairies
- of
- Kansas
- over
- the
- incendiary
- issue
- of
- slavery.
- The
- bitter
- conflict
- was
- described
- in
- the
- Atchison
- Squatter
- Sovereign
- newspaper
- as
- “war
- to
- the
- knife
- and
- knife
- to
- the
- hilt.”In
- 1854
- a
- shooting
- war
- developed
- between
- proslavery
- men
- from
- Missouri
- and
- free-staters
- in
- Kansas
- over
- control
- of
- the
- territory.
- The
- prize
- was
- whether
- Kansas
- would
- become
- a
- slave
- or
- a
- free
- state
- when
- admitted
- to
- the
- Union,
- a
- question
- that
- could
- decide
- the
- balance
- of
- power
- in
- Washington.War
- to
- the
- Knife
- is
- an
- absorbing
- account
- of
- this
- bloody
- episode
- in
- our
- nation's
- past,
- told
- in
- the
- unforgettable
- words
- of
- the
- men
- and
- women
- involved:
- Robert
- E.
- Lee,
- William
- Tecumseh
- Sherman,
- Sara
- Robinson,
- Jeb
- Stuart,
- Abraham
- Lincoln,
- William
- F.
- Cody,
- and
- John
- Brown—the
- abolitionist
- who
- was
- hailed
- by
- some
- as
- a
- prophet,
- and
- denounced
- as
- a
- madman
- by others.
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