The Neah Virus
Reeks: Northwest Tales
Thomas P Hopp
- The
- Neah
- Virus,
- previously
- unknown
- to
- science,
- has
- arisen
- in
- the
- dense
- rainforests
- surrounding
- Neah
- Bay,
- the
- Makah
- Tribe’s
- home
- village.
- Its
- victims
- develop
- a
- zombie-like
- raving
- mania,
- then
- succumb
- to
- high
- fevers
- and
- convulsions.
- Incomprehensibly,
- the
- virus
- strikes
- only
- non-Makahs,
- leaving
- tribal
- members
- untouched
- while
- people
- of
- other
- races
- are
- stricken
- down.McKean
- traces
- one
- possible
- origin
- to
- the
- recently-opened
- grave
- of
- a
- Spanish
- colonist
- of
- the
- 1700s.
- Exploring
- the
- tomb,
- he
- encounters
- an
- old
- Makah
- shaman,
- Gordon
- Steel.
- Steeped
- in
- native
- lore,
- Steel
- claims
- this
- is
- the
- legendary
- Lost
- Souls
- Disease,
- created
- by
- Raven
- to
- punish
- the
- Spaniards,
- now
- unleashed
- on
- the
- modern
- world
- to
- avenge
- the
- destruction
- of
- the
- tribe’s
- traditional
- ways.
- McKean
- asks
- Steel
- to
- make
- his
- traditional
- medicines
- available,
- but
- the
- bitter
- old
- man
- refuses
- to
- cooperate.
- McKean
- is
- certain
- he
- knows
- more
- about
- the
- virus
- than
- he
- is
- telling.As
- the
- death
- toll
- mounts,
- the
- virus
- spreads
- to
- Seattle,
- where
- both
- McKean
- and
- his
- young
- son
- begin
- showing
- signs
- of
- the
- disease.
- With
- time
- running
- out,
- Steel’s
- daughter
- Tleena
- arrives
- to
- lead
- McKean
- on
- a
- desperate
- quest
- from
- Seattle
- to
- her
- father’s
- traditional
- longhouse
- near
- Neah
- Bay.
- On
- the
- way,
- they
- travel
- through
- the
- chaos
- of
- a
- crumbling
- society
- and
- streets
- rife
- with
- raving
- victims
- and
- grisly
- death.
- But
- the
- old
- shaman
- is
- by
- no
- means
- certain
- to
- help.This
- taut
- medical
- thriller
- is
- a
- page-turner
- start
- to finish.
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