The Xylanthian Chronicles
Thomas Stone
- The
- Xylanthian
- Chronicles
- is
- a
- sci-fi
- trilogy
- by
- Thomas
- C.
- Stone.
- The
- three
- books,
- in
- order,
- are
- Xylanthia,
- Return
- To
- Xylanthia,
- and
- The
- Galactic
- Center.
- In
- Xylanthia,
- the
- reader
- follows
- the
- adventures
- of
- a
- group
- of
- interstellar
- explorers
- who
- start
- out
- cataloging
- the
- flora
- and
- fauna
- of
- Xylanthia
- --
- a
- moon
- in
- orbit
- about
- a
- gas
- giant
- locked
- in
- place
- between
- the
- binary
- stars
- at
- Sirius
- --
- and
- end
- up
- fighting
- for
- their
- lives.A
- gateway
- in
- time
- is
- discovered
- amid
- speculations
- on
- the
- nature
- of
- the
- origin
- of
- life
- on
- Xylanthia.
- Additionally,
- an
- enterprising
- lab
- technician
- derives
- a
- recreational
- drug
- from
- an
- alien
- substance
- and
- suddenly,
- we're
- off
- to
- the
- races.
- That's
- even
- before
- the
- transdimensional
- beings
- show
- up.
- Yep,
- that's
- what
- I
- said.
- Transdimensional
- beings.To
- avoid
- spoilers,
- we
- only
- want
- to
- say
- that
- the
- second
- and
- third
- books
- extend
- the
- original
- story.
- What
- would
- you
- expect
- with
- a
- title
- like
- Return
- to
- Xylanthia?
- The
- entire
- trilogy
- is
- an
- incredible,
- down
- the
- rabbit
- hole
- reading
- experience.The
- Xylanthian
- Chronicles
- is
- written
- for
- a
- general
- audience
- with
- a
- suggested
- rating
- of
- PG-13
- with
- references
- to
- drug
- use
- and
- violence.
- If
- preferred,
- each
- book
- is
- also
- sold separately.