The Thomas Watson Collection. Illustrated

A Divine Cordial. The Ten Commandments. The Godly Man's Picture. The Lord's Prayer and other works

Thomas Watson was a 17th-century minister at the church of St. Stephen Walbrook in London. As a pastor, he set himself two goals. First, he wanted unbelievers to grieve over their fate and realize the necessity of God's grace. On the other hand, he wanted believers to rejoice in the assurance that they had received God's grace.
His books are simple but exciting commentaries with many practical examples and applications. He explains the paradox that both good and bad events contribute to the benefit of believers. He spends a great deal of time explaining what it means to love God and be called by His will. In this book, Watson manages to answer one of the most plaguing theological questions of all time: Why do bad things happen to good people?
This eBook includes the following 14 volumes by Thomas Watson:
Body of Practical Divinity
The Ten Commandments
The Lord's Prayer
The Beatitudes
The Godly Man's Picture
The Art of Divine Contentment
A Treatise Concerning Meditation
The Great Gain of Godliness
The Doctrine of Repentance
The Mischief of Sin
A Divine Cordial
The Christian Soldier
The Christian's Charter
The Duty of Self-Denial

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