

The epistolary genre is the way someone often finds of communicating with someone else whom they have lost or simply never met, though it is as if both had known each other all along.

Indeed, what most inspired the author to collect these letters in a single volume, whose addressee is a part of his very soul, was a thought he often utters to himself as being his absolute truth:
"I have never seen you before in my life, nor have I ever heard the sound of your voice; however, that is not the reason why I am going to renounce the love my heart feels for you, for I cannot at all be plainly rational about this; were that to be the case, the concept of love could not be as abstract as it is; it would be vain, shallow and merely convenient on account of geographical and, therefore, physical proximity; true love has the power of surpassing such boundaries".

Spanning through a myriad of feelings such as darkness, obscurity, but also joy and, especially, hope of finding a path toward happiness through the light of the guardian angel, this tome of reflection mirrors the private and disquiet mind of the average romantic man of letters.

She reads to breathe.
He writes to exist... in her memory alone.

pro-mbooks3 : libris