Awaiting news about his father and uncle on another world, Zachary Pill is resigned to hiding out in New Hampshire. But the dragon venom raging through his veins and a maelstrom of magical creatures soon force him to make difficult life and death decisions. The final straw comes when Gefarg the Troll decides to send his evil goons to Station End.
Will Zachary Pill and his friends survive the werewolf and orcs that are on their way?
You’ll find out in the pages of “With Dragon Fear.”
Patrick Jones: “This book is really FANTASTIC and it’s written with such a unique writing style.”
A.J. Grady, author of “Proof of God: An Ontological Adventure”: “It’s seldom you see fantasy written with such verve and panache.”
Edwin Stark, author of “Echo Station One,” “Cuentos,” and other novels: “…this book is greatly recommended… and it will get you more bang to your book at any price.”
These reviews are all posted on Amazon and refer to the complete trilogy.
Second book in the Zachary Pill series.