Tim Kavi begins his mountain journey to find the Goddess, and encounters Her everywhere in Emerging Goddess (2011). From the ruins of ancient Greece, to the Holy Mountains, and out in the everyday world--his poetry encounters the Sacred Feminine. These love poems celebrate the Goddess in a stand alone collection that was followed by Ascending Goddess (2012) and will be followed by the forthcoming titles: Revealed Goddess and The Early Goddess Poems of Tim Kavi.
Table of Contents for Emerging Goddess
Love Among the Ruins
Graceful Appearing
sweet goddesses (you are everywhere)
Angels at Night
Heavenly Bodies
The Mighty Writer
Night and Day
Gentle Rain, She is You
Sanctification Rites
Sacred Goddess
sweet goddess, making haste to you
Meeting You
Romantic Poets
Goddess Rising
Goddesses Revealed in Nature and Art
goddess lies sleeping
teachers of love
Sirens of Love
Some Dreams are Real
The Goddess
The Mermaid
Telling Eyes
the bridge
Coming There
destiny's twisted roads; love's triumphant will
Goddess of the Lake
Dreams of Love
Beautiful dresses
Lovely Woman: what goddess you are!
Eternal Love
Gentle Loving One
Benzaiten Aphrodite
The Completed You and Me
The Goddess in You
About the Author