The concept of "truth" is an abstract approach to your life; how you navigate your survival in searching for peace will depend on what is and is not valid. First, you must determine where your truth originated. Is the truth you believe or live by, yours - inherent to you, or is it something you have been taught? "Your truth" must be the foundation of your being, This truth has to resonate with you, it will be the very fabric of who and what you are. When something resonates, is it an emotional response or a knee-jerk reaction? Is this Feeling equivalent to a spiritual acknowledgment causing honesty and integrity in your life, making you feel whole, unwavering, and unquestioning? Is this truth yours and yours alone, or a concept you share with everyone? And is this truth black and white or are there shades of gray that cause you to wander? These questions must be answered before success, happiness, and peace can be acquired and appreciated.
Some thoughts to ponder:
People tell you things they don't consider lies, but they aren't true either. Everyone hears the truth as it pertains to their own interpretation. Perception is your Truth but not truth as known by science and substantiated by fact. Where do you go from here? How do you determine what is right and true for you? Is this truth innate, perceived, or acquired through logical deduction? What line of truth must be there for you to adhere to the concept or story? Is everything on the 5:00 news trustworthy, is everything on the internet true? What are the shades of black and white that pertain to you?
Every person is different, not just in appearance, but in the way they think, and how they understand how specific issues might be presented to them will be filtered through their thought processes. We might call this their shades of gray. But not black-and-white scientific or fact-checked. These can only be determined through their own "Truth." Which is based on themselves as a whole. Despite all else, date, time, and specific place of birth will be your filter, your truth, and your ability to understand and comprehend what is accurate and true to you.