The Perennial Truth: Awakening of the Soul


In order to commence your personal journey toward the truth, sincerity is required—not to others but to yourself. Unless you step beyond your ego’s conditioning and admit that you do not know the truth firsthand, through personal experience, your journey has not yet begun. Instead, you live the life of a spectator, resting in the shade of a tree rather than courageously traversing the path that leads through the valley of the shadow of death toward the peak of human consciousness.

I would like to assure you that the journey to the higher realm of existence does not end where it began, as do the mortal journeys of life that are subservient to the wheels of time. Its destination is the present moment, the abode of your soul, the only place that’s real. Being in the present moment connects us to all of creation through the oneness of the soul. The past is dead, and the future never comes. Along the way, you will discover that the journey to the truth is a spontaneous dance, one of give and take; an intimate communion with life and the beyond.

Once you admit that all you have is another’s truth and not the truth of your soul, the journey has begun. There can be no greater quest. It is the quest for the Holy Grail, the philosopher’s stone that turns lead into gold, you into your immortal self.

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