The Future Coach: Creating Tomorrow’s Soccer Players Today
Tom Bates
- Successful
- soccer
- coaches
- are
- constantly
- seeking
- new
- ways
- to
- learn,
- evolve,
- and
- improve.Very
- often,
- footballing
- success
- is
- defined
- by
- mindset,
- and
- the
- real
- winners
- are
- the
- coaches,
- players,
- and
- teams
- who
- enter
- the
- competitive
- arena
- best
- prepared
- mentally
- and
- emotionally.
- They
- can
- perform
- in
- the
- moment,
- under
- pressure.
- Psychology
- plays
- a
- pivotal
- part
- in
- creating
- and
- sustaining
- peak
- levels
- of
- performance.
- Coaches
- who
- cultivate
- positive,
- healthy,
- winning
- attitudes
- and
- build
- a
- culture
- of
- competitive
- toughness
- to
- be
- at
- their
- best
- when
- it
- matters
- the
- most,
- achieve
- the
- highest
- results.
- Successful
- high-performance
- cultures
- of
- tomorrow
- will
- be
- defined
- by
- the
- leaders
- who
- think
- more
- about
- the
- virtues
- of
- human
- development
- and
- behaviour
- than
- any
- other
- aspect.
- The
- most
- forward-thinking
- soccer
- coaches
- want
- to
- be
- ahead
- of
- the
- game.The
- Future
- Coach
- offers
- proven
- principles
- from
- soccer
- psychology
- for
- coaches
- to
- create
- winning
- cultures
- and
- re-define
- coaching
- excellence.
- Based
- around
- practically
- applied
- principles
- of
- performance
- psychology,
- coaches
- will
- gain
- the
- opportunity
- to
- explore
- how
- the
- values,
- beliefs,
- and
- expectations
- they
- hold,
- shape
- their
- coaching
- behaviour
- and
- end
- up
- defining
- the
- environment
- they
- work
- in
- and
- players
- they
- work
- with.The
- Future
- Coach
- offers
- simple,
- fast,
- hands-on
- guidance
- and
- advice
- to
- create
- confident
- players
- who
- can
- think
- independently,
- co-create
- and
- self-manage
- performances.
- Coaches
- will
- learn
- new
- ways
- to
- design
- and
- implement
- their
- playing
- philosophy,
- identity,
- and
- style
- of
- play
- on
- and
- off
- the
- field
- with
- clarity
- and
- confidence.Drawing
- on
- his
- pitchside
- and
- changing
- room
- experiences
- from
- behind
- the
- scenes
- in
- the
- Premier
- League
- and
- English
- Championship
- divisions,
- author
- –
- psychologist
- and
- A
- Coach
- –
- Tom
- Bates
- invites
- coaches
- to
- journey
- with
- him
- turning
- optimism,
- energy,
- and
- inspiration
- into
- positive
- performance
- outcomes
- and
- results!Learn
- How
- to
- Share
- your
- Style
- of
- Play
- for
- complete
- buy-in,
- on
- and
- off
- the
- fieldCreate
- a
- team
- Culture
- that
- fosters
- competitive
- excellence
- and
- mental
- toughnessUnderstand
- the
- dynamics
- of
- how
- to
- create
- happier,
- healthier,
- winning
- teamsBuild
- positive
- and
- cohesive
- relationships
- based
- on
- mutual
- trust
- and
- authenticityBreed
- confident
- players
- who
- are
- driven
- to
- challenge
- themselves
- and
- each-otherCreate
- Forward
- Thinking,
- Self-Managing,
- Independent
- LearnersDevelop
- your
- own
- inspired
- leadership
- techniques
- to
- use
- with
- your
- playersAbout
- Tom
- Bates
- Tom
- Bates
- is
- a
- leading
- Performance
- Psychologist
- and
- A
- Licence
- Coach.
- Over
- the
- last
- ten
- years,
- he
- has
- worked
- with
- youth
- and
- senior
- domestic
- international
- athletes,
- coaches,
- managers
- and
- teams,
- helping
- them
- to
- perform
- under
- pressure
- and
- be
- at
- their
- best
- when
- it
- matters
- the
- most.
- Starting
- his
- career
- at
- Cambridge
- United,
- he
- moved
- to
- Bournemouth
- and
- quickly
- progressed
- to
- Birmingham
- City
- FC
- and
- West
- Bromwich
- Albion
- FC
- during
- their
- years
- in
- the
- English
- Premier
- League,
- before
- taking
- up
- his
- current
- role
- at
- Aston
- Villa
- FC.
- Tom
- works
- internationally
- promoting
- the
- importance
- of
- Mindset
- in
- achieving
- excellence
- in
- football
- including
- the
- acclaimed
- TEDx
- talk:
- “Imagination
- –
- The
- Power
- of
- Creativity”.
- Tom
- currently
- works
- as
- Head
- of
- Performance
- Psychology
- &
- Culture
- at
- Aston
- Villa
- FC
- in
- the
- English Championship.