Set in present day Killarney, the story revolves around the abduction of twenty three year old French law student Marie Clermont. Believing his Irish heritage will be a crucial asset in finding her, Marie’s parents hire French – Irish private investigator Nashoba ‘Nash’ Savary.
Sgt Jim Lucey heads the local police who are already overburdened with their workload. The resentment the presence of an external investigator will arouse amongst his officers, worries him. Lucey faces another issue: one of his officers is working for local Eastern European criminal Christov Vachenko, a career criminal who has vowed revenge on a female police officer.
As Savary investigates Marie’s disappearance, he crosses paths with Vachenko, and is plunged into Killarney’s criminal world.
Truth and falsehoods interfuse to bedevil the search for Marie Clermont