I Am Not Rich Enough to Have Autism


Tom shares how girls always tell him he has to pay them money in order to like them because he is autistic. He learns growing up that he is not rich enough to live with autism. He spends much of his adult life trying to get rich enough to pay what women call his "autism bill" so that he can get a girlfriend. As he gets older he begins to realize that he wants a woman to like him for who he is. He spends years trying to be someone he is not brainstorming many ways to work his butt off to get rich so that he can get a woman to like him. He becomes so distracted and obsessed by this that he throws his life away chasing something that he should not be chasing at all. Tom has all but given up on ever learning how to get a girlfriend without paying her some huge fee for having autism when a new therapist comes along and begins to change his outlook. This touching story will leave a huge impact on how much appreciation you will have for someone who lives with autism.

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