RHS Resilient Garden
Sustainable Gardening for a Changing Climate
Tom Massey
- Create
- a
- beautiful,
- climate-resilient,
- sustainable
- garden
- that
- will
- take
- your
- outdoor
- space
- into
- the
- future.As
- we
- live
- with
- an
- increasingly
- changing
- climate,
- summer
- droughts,
- winter
- waterlogging,
- high
- winds,
- erratic
- frosts
- and
- frequent
- pests
- are
- challenges
- that
- all
- gardeners
- face.
- This
- forward-thinking
- book
- -
- grounded
- in
- the
- latest
- research
- -
- shows
- you
- how
- to
- work
- with
- the
- environment
- and
- adapt
- your
- outdoor
- space
- to
- give
- it
- exactly
- what
- it
- needs
- to
- flourish...
- and
- to
- give
- wildlife
- a
- helping
- hand,
- too.Award-winning
- garden
- designer
- Tom
- Massey
- shares
- essential
- tips
- on
- how
- to
- analyse
- your
- garden
- looking
- at
- everything
- from
- soil
- type
- to
- sun
- exposure,
- before
- recommending
- practical
- projects
- and
- plant
- choices
- that
- will
- be
- perfect
- for
- your
- plot.
- Discover
- how
- a
- hedge
- can
- reduce
- noise
- and
- trap
- pollution,
- how
- a
- patio
- affects
- waterlogging,
- how
- to
- harvest
- your
- rainwater,
- and
- much
- more.Inside
- the
- pages
- of
- this
- horticultural
- handbook,
- you
- can
- expect
- to
- find:-
- Many
- innovative
- ideas
- on
- how
- readers
- can
- make
- small
- changes
- to
- their
- plot
- that
- will
- benefit
- biodiversity
- and
- reduce
- the
- impacts
- of
- climate
- change
- in
- their
- local
- area.
- Top
- tips
- on
- how
- to
- select
- the
- right
- plants
- for
- your
- pitch,
- from
- trees
- and
- shrubs
- to
- grasses
- and
- climbers.
- Fascinating
- case
- studies
- of
- intelligent,
- sustainable
- garden
- designs
- from
- around
- the
- world.
- A
- chapter
- on
- sustainable
- materials
- and
- planting
- mediums.
- Diagrams
- and
- infographics
- to
- illustrate
- key
- concepts,
- and
- photographs
- to
- show
- beautiful
- plantings
- and
- designs.This
- gardening
- guide
- enables
- readers
- worldwide
- to
- analyse
- the
- needs
- of
- their
- plot,
- looking
- at
- wind,
- sun,
- soil,
- water,
- wildlife,
- air
- quality,
- and
- carbon,
- and
- will
- only
- become
- more
- relevant
- as
- gardeners
- worldwide
- experience
- changes
- in
- weather
- and
- want
- to
- adapt
- their
- outdoor
- space
- so
- that
- it
- will
- continue
- to
- flourish.Together
- we
- can
- garden
- more
- sustainably,
- mitigate
- extreme
- weather
- conditions
- and
- ensure
- our
- outdoor
- spaces
- remain
- resilient,
- beautiful,
- inspiring
- places
- to
- enjoy
- for
- years
- to come.
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