Who Won? The 2024 Presidential Election
Tom McAuliffe
- In
- 'Who
- Won?
- The
- 2024
- Presidential
- Election',
- award-winning
- author
- Tom
- McAuliffe
- unpacks
- the
- most
- tumultuous,
- unpredictable,
- and
- divisive
- election
- in
- modern
- American
- history.
- With
- razor-sharp
- analysis
- and
- gripping
- storytelling,
- McAuliffe
- takes
- readers
- behind
- the
- scenes,
- revealing
- the
- key
- players,
- dramatic
- turning
- points,
- and
- media
- spin
- that
- shaped
- the
- race
- for
- the
- White
- House.
- Does
- money
- play
- a
- role
- in
- our
- politics?
- Can
- the
- Media
- sway
- an
- election?
- Can
- we
- change?From
- grassroots
- movements
- and
- power
- plays
- to
- exclusive
- interviews
- with
- insiders
- and
- voters,
- 'Who
- Won?'
- paints
- a
- vivid
- picture
- of
- the
- candidates'
- rise
- and
- fall
- in
- a
- politically
- polarized
- nation.
- This
- is
- more
- than
- an
- election
- recap—it's
- a
- fascinating
- dive
- into
- the
- heart
- of
- American
- democracy
- in
- action,
- capturing
- the
- suspense,
- drama,
- and
- uncertainty
- that
- gripped
- the
- country.Discover
- the
- untold
- stories
- and
- pivotal
- moments
- that
- decided
- the
- fate
- of
- the
- nation
- in
- this
- electrifying
- account
- of
- the
- 2024 election.