In the summer of 1948, thirteen-year-old Timmy Armstrong's life was about to change in a dramatic fashion. Love, tragedy, and family conflict would join forces to coerce his premature entry into manhood.
"Surviving Jardine" chronicles one year in the life of Timmy, his first love Lila, his parents Bart and Ellen Armstrong, and Mr. Thompson - a special teacher who would become his mentor and lifelong friend.
From childhood mischief to a heroic role in a mine disaster; from boy who loved to fish to a young man deeply in love; from a remedial student to a dedicated scholar; from a boy who thought everyone was his friend to a confused pawn in a labor versus management strife. Thus is his transition from boy to man.
To survive the final year in the dying town and a singular way of life, the residents of Jardine, Montana, must close a wide chasm that has turned friends into enemies. If success is to happen, everyone would have to demonstrate courage, understanding and the shared love of many.
This story may make you laugh, or make you cry, but it is guaranteed to grip you to the end.