Career by Design: Playing a Bigger Game
tony pisanelli
- Transform
- Your
- Life
- Journey
- Career
- by
- DesignAre
- you
- seeking
- more
- from
- your
- career
- than
- just
- a
- paycheck?
- Does
- the
- promise
- of
- the
- next
- promotion
- leave
- you
- unexcited?
- If
- you've
- had
- enough
- of
- the
- relentless
- daily
- grind
- or
- are
- struggling
- to
- overcome
- a
- brutally
- executed
- job
- loss,
- know
- that
- you're
- not
- alone.Inspired
- by
- this
- timeless
- quote
- from
- Jim
- Rohn,
- "If
- you
- don't
- design
- your
- own
- life
- plan,
- chances
- are
- you'll
- fall
- into
- someone
- else's
- plan,"
- Career
- by
- Design
- isn't
- just
- another
- self-help
- book
- full
- of
- platitudes.
- Because
- Tony
- Pisanelli
- knows
- what
- that
- "someone
- else"
- has
- planned
- for
- you.This
- book
- challenges
- you,
- informs
- you,
- and
- shows
- you
- a
- path
- to
- create
- a
- career
- that
- enriches
- your
- life
- —
- a
- career
- designed
- by
- you.
- Career
- by
- Design,
- you'll
- uncover
- strategies
- to:Career
- by
- Design
- stands
- as
- a
- trusted
- ally
- in
- your
- quest
- to
- transform
- your
- next
- 20
- years.Early
- reader
- reactions:"This
- is
- the
- book
- I
- wish
- I'd
- had
- years
- ago.
- A
- must-read
- for
- everyone,
- regardless
- of
- what
- stage
- they
- are
- at
- in
- their
- career."
- Richard
- Wray,
- Senior
- Sales
- Manager
- and
- AI
- Educator"This
- book
- could
- be
- life-changing,
- life
- altering.
- At
- exactly
- the
- right
- times,
- Tony
- shares
- questions
- that
- will
- have
- the
- reader
- going
- deep
- inside
- for
- their
- answers.
- Purchase
- this
- book
- and
- be
- captivated
- from
- start
- to
- finish."
- Doug
- Lawrence,
- International
- Certified
- Mentor
- and
- Best-Selling
- Author
- of
- You
- Are
- Not
- Alone
- and
- The
- Gift
- of Mentoring