Caught in the Headlights
Tony Shillitoe
- For
- Adam
- Schilling,
- fifteen
- is
- an
- age
- of
- change.
- His
- childhood
- is
- brought
- abruptly
- to
- a
- close
- when,
- with
- his
- friends,
- he
- discovers
- a
- skeleton
- in
- an
- abandoned
- well,
- and
- stumbles
- upon
- a
- dangerous
- secret
- hidden
- in
- the
- bushland
- near
- their
- farms.
- With
- puzzles
- to
- solve,
- and
- a
- growing
- fascination
- with
- Megan,
- the
- new
- girl
- at
- school,
- Adam
- learns
- that
- life
- is
- neither
- black
- nor
- white
- but
- grey,
- and
- always
- in transition.
pro-mbooks3 : libris