- Sometimes
- heroes
- are
- ordinary
- people
- doing
- the
- best
- they
- can
- in
- confusing
- times.Against
- the
- backdrop
- of
- the
- Second
- World
- War
- coming
- to
- an
- end,
- and
- a
- time
- of
- change
- into
- the
- early
- 1950s,
- teenager
- and
- young
- woman,
- Eileen
- Bonney,
- wrestles
- with
- webs
- of
- love,
- deceit
- and
- secrets
- as
- she
- tries
- to
- define
- herself
- amid
- the
- expectations,
- demands,
- friendships
- and
- lies
- of
- others.Leaving
- school
- at
- age
- 13
- to
- care
- for
- a
- distraught
- and
- ill
- mother
- and
- five
- siblings,
- abandoned
- but
- overseen
- by
- a
- philandering
- father,
- pursued
- by
- a
- deceitful
- older
- lover,
- fighting
- a
- battle
- with
- tuberculosis,
- Eileen
- survives
- as
- best
- she
- can
- in
- the
- hope
- that,
- one
- day,
- her
- world
- will
- be
- better.But
- life
- isn't
- about
- becoming
- -
- it's
- about
- being.This
- is
- a
- collage
- of
- an
- ordinary
- young
- woman's
- coming
- of
- age
- in
- the
- 1940s
- and
- early
- 1950s,
- a
- time
- when
- Australian
- social
- mores
- and
- expectations
- were
- very
- different,
- and
- the
- impact
- and
- aftermath
- of
- a
- World
- War
- and
- austerity
- threw
- many
- ordinary
- Australian
- lives
- into
- disarray.
- Not
- all
- heroes
- achieve
- greatness
- and
- thrive
- in
- challenging
- times.
- Some
- simply survive.
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