The Influx of False Prophets and Pastors


There is a rising number of false prophets and pastors globally, but especially in Africa, and our governments are quiet. God's children flock to these churches for different reasons or needs, including health, poverty and simple ignorance.
They blindly follow these churches through a desperate hope for an improved quality of life. Little do they know they are following scammers from the dark world who will leave them worse off than before they joined the cult. They capitalise and exploit their needs.
In The influx of false prophets and pastors, Triumph Robinson exposes these false prophets and pastors, their activities and how they lure people into believing they are God's servants when their main aim is to get rich at the expense of the poor.
She also exposes how politicians sit back and/or work underground with these pastors for their benefit, hence the rise of these devil worshippers.
Robinson leaves no stone unturned as she aims to win back the souls the enemy has snatched.

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