Dictionary Of Indian English
V. Subhash
- Dictionary
- Of
- Indian
- English,
- in
- its
- first
- edition,
- is
- a
- glossary
- of
- English
- words
- or
- phrases
- that
- have
- been
- invented
- in
- India
- or
- have
- meanings
- that
- are
- different
- from
- the
- ones
- specified
- in
- dictionaries
- published
- in
- the
- West.
- Currently,
- it
- has
- over
- 400
- words.
- In
- future
- editions,
- it
- will
- become
- a
- full-fledged
- dictionary.
- For
- now,
- it
- is
- useful
- to
- non-Indian
- readers
- of
- Indian
- English
- fiction
- and
- Indian
- news,
- and
- foreign
- travellers
- to India.