Patterns of Development

Human, #21

Reeks: Human


There is an entire world of living, intelligent complexity everywhere and in all details, just ready to accept you if you are developed enough to reach it, yet people seek to develop superficially and unilaterally instead, depending on the fashion and social believes in place wherever they live. Because only decades ago for example, being tall and strong was very desirable, along with winning in fistfights and holding your liquor. This was what people sought the most then, and consequently, this was what people developed the most, their muscles, stature, and addictions, in a very familiar developmental pattern. Knowingly or not, people grew taller indeed, and highly athletic. You may still see these people today, looking surprising now at their old age, with oversized skeletons and floppy skin, recalling those old, grandiose times.

While even further in the past, throughout famines and recessions, it was more appealing to look fat and healthy, just to show to the world how wonderful you were. And this was exactly what people developed the most in themselves back then, fat. Currently, people seek social supremacy and material achievements the most, developing their own social skills accordingly, while morphing and reshaping their faces and bodily parts in order to look younger and enhanced in every way, since this is what makes everybody more attractive and more accepted today. Therefore, this is how people develop, mostly physically, socially, and fictitiously, at all costs, and through all efforts. Yet it is very common to develop in this apparently enhanced manner today, just the way being strong, drunk, and fat used to be the high norms of the past.

But can enhanced bodily appearance and enhanced social status be as irrelevant today as all developmental patterns from the past? Are you actually tricked into investing your lifetime effort in specific developmental patterns decided for you from above by those controlling society? And is it done this way to keep you distracted, diverted, and astray throughout life? Because this is relevant to know indeed, since once you start developing inadequately at the beginning of your life, you cannot change afterwards, and so you go down from there, just the way plants growing crooked in the beginning are doomed for life.

Throughout this book, we study the human development in all its patterns, how and why it takes place, at what level, through what patterns, and with what consequences, in order for you to decide and control your own developmental pattern throughout life, for you, your loved ones, and the entire world.

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