Cast Adrift: The Channel Riders Book Eight


The Guild is changing. Elena knows that with Riko's death, change is inevitable. With the Guild still feeling abandoned by the council still causing tensions, the long-term plans between her and the elderly councilor come out into the open. Not all will be pleased, in fact she expects when he learns of it, Hashi will probably try to kill her. But before the season opens and she worries over Hashi's retribution, there are trade routes to secure and a planet to run. Mateo and Kiera are expecting the birth of their twins, the first human children born on Haven and while Elena worries about their limited medical facilities, she must ferret out what plans her Aunt Elizabeth has set into motion to regain power from Mateo. Strange dreams start to twist through Elena's nights, and she begins to realize the change is going to be bigger than any of them expected. Can the Guild survive to reach the next season?

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