Reality Today Forum: The Best of 2012
Valerie Hockert, PhD
- These
- articles
- are
- our
- editors’
- picks,
- or
- favorites,
- from
- 2012
- issues.
- Reality
- Today
- Forum
- is
- a
- new
- e-magazine
- that
- launched
- in
- October
- 2011.
- To
- read
- more,
- go
- to
- for
- the
- latest
- issue
- online.Reality
- Today
- Forum
- is
- an
- e-magazine
- for
- the
- growing
- number
- of
- people
- who
- wish
- to
- get
- their
- opinion
- out
- there
- to
- make
- a
- difference
- in
- our
- ever-changing world.