Lewis faces the challenge of rethinking long held beliefs. Burdened by an ugly backstory, global responsibilities, and thorny business ventures, he's dedicated to the departure point where he can force the past to give way to the future. He's planned an independent second half with no entanglements but the plan no longer satisfies. The realization wasn't a slow dawning; it came with the force of a bullet. He healed; he's still the smartest guy in the room, but things have changed. Meanwhile, in Middle Eastern Imira, bridges and pipelines are being planned and engineered. While he oversees projects like Imira, Lewis maintains his position of authority within his organization and weaves his long distance love affair into his vision of the future.
Suzanna is future focused too, embracing independence after a stifling marriage and resolved to avoid the trap of expectation and disappointment. This is not that. Elusive and passionate by turns, demonstrated in bursts, sharp edged and definite — this is all or nothing.
World computing capacity doubles every two years, well ahead of human facility to make good use of it. Human capacity is static. Once we labeled early adopters cutting edge, applauding their bold appetites. Now early adopters are more likely early resistors, using their expertise to sever digital ties and forego convenience for human contact and tactile experiences.