
Primal Justice

Reeks: Primal Justice


Niko Fox's life changes the day three massive gray dogs compel her to follow them into the wilderness. When she spots an emaciated mare and the mare's foal, she rescues the helpless, trusting animals. Who is responsible for the horses' condition?

She wants nothing to do with fish and wildlife officer Darick Creech, but he too understands what the grays represent. Niko's commitment to justice becomes her driving force. Darick must mend the rift between them to insure her safety. There's nothing personal between them, nothing to distract them from their dangerous goal. Or is there?

Niko's search for answers leads her to an abused dog. As she tends to it, the grays watch.

Niko is vital to the grays—and to the FORCE that rules theim. They need her.

Then, as Darick and Niko sensed would happen, the grays kill their first human.

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