Dark Matter Transit (DMT)


Geoffrery Holder is an Airman serving with the Royal Air Force, by an accident of nature and alien technology he is beamed aboard the alien space ship the QvO. The ship is manned by the decendants of slaves who were captured from Earth by the RAP empire and then bred to produce more slaves . In time the slaves staged an insurrection and overthrew their RAP masters and subsumed their Empire. The QvO is currently lurking hull down, out of radar and visual sight, behind the moon from where it is studying Earth and recording its entertainment channels to rebroadcast to their home worlds in the Ongle Sysrtem Of Planets . The ship voyages the universe by means of Dark Matter Transit (DMT). This method of travel exploits that Dark Matter Has no dimensions, thus all is one and one is all in Dark Matter .
The main rivals to biological life forms in the universe are an aritificial inteligence life form known as Terrabots. Terrabots are descended from the robots left behind on the planet Terrabot when their bilogical owners fled the planet to escape a impending collision with an asteroid. Most of the abandoned robots survived the collission because they did not need air to breath, nor food to eat or hospitals or schools and they continued to construct more robots and eventually evolved as a life form, however, they are governed by Machine law which is incompatible with the social laws of the biologicals races. In time this results in intergalactic war bertween the two race

When Geoffrey arrived unexpectedly on the QvO the Ongle System Of Planets governing body are not yet ready to make their presence known to the people of Earth. Thus there is no way back for Geoffrey, so elects to join the Crew of the QvO and he travels the universe with them, where he serves with distinction and becomes involved in adventure after venture .
This is new to Science Fiction and lays to rest Sc-Fi's impossible concepts of Warp Drive, Hyperdrive, Light Speed and time Travel

pro-mbooks3 : libris