The Baron's Obsession
Victoria Raven
- Damon
- Thorburn
- had
- one
- goal
- in
- life
- –
- to
- find
- the
- perfect
- wife.
- After
- two
- failed
- attempts,
- Eve
- Seymour
- catches
- his
- fancy.
- She
- embodies
- everything
- he
- has
- always
- wanted
- in
- the
- way
- of
- innocence,
- submissiveness,
- and
- physical
- perfection.
- Eager
- to
- marry
- his
- new
- love,
- Damon
- quickly
- removes
- every
- obstacle
- standing
- in
- his
- way.Eve,
- starved
- for
- attention,
- is
- mesmerized
- by
- the
- commanding
- Baron
- of
- Wentworth,
- twenty
- years
- her
- senior.
- After
- agreeing
- to
- marry,
- she
- becomes
- a
- willing
- pupil,
- learning
- the
- pleasures
- of
- the
- flesh.
- Her
- love
- for
- Damon
- tolerates
- his
- controlling
- tendencies.Nevertheless,
- eternal
- love
- is
- not
- always
- heavenly,
- especially
- when
- a
- marriage
- is
- built
- upon
- the
- crumbling
- foundation
- of
- secrets
- and
- lies.
- Even
- though
- Damon
- controls
- Eve,
- he
- is
- unable
- to
- contain
- his
- haunting
- past
- created
- out
- of
- desperation.
- The
- very
- thing
- he
- once
- sought
- to
- possess
- has
- possessed
- him
- in
- return.
- It
- is
- only
- through
- betrayal,
- tragedy,
- and
- murder
- that
- Damon
- discovers
- perfection
- is
- an illusion.
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