Festive Fling
Vivian Tease
- Claire's
- first
- office
- Christmas
- party
- reveals
- a
- tradition
- more
- risque
- than
- she
- could
- ever
- have
- imagined--a
- seasonal
- celebration
- where
- tight-knit
- colleagues
- share
- more
- than
- just
- holiday
- cheer.
- Transitioning
- from
- a
- wide-eyed
- voyeur
- to
- the
- star
- of
- the
- show,
- Claire
- moves
- from
- the
- sidelines
- to
- the
- spotlight,
- surrendering
- to
- the
- spirit
- of
- exhibitionism.
- Her
- initiation
- culminates
- with
- passionate,
- unprotected
- fervor
- in
- the
- hallway,
- her
- moans
- echoing
- like
- jingle
- bells,
- while
- adoring
- gazes
- of
- her
- officemates
- add
- a
- thrill
- only
- the
- naughtiness
- of
- public
- display
- can
- ignite.Warning:
- This
- 4,200-word
- erotica
- story
- is
- intended
- for
- mature
- audiences only.
pro-mbooks3 : libris