In 63 BC Roman soldiers marched into Judea and Herod announced tat he was the new king. When the high priest, Antigonus, asked for an explanation Herod executed the entire Sanhedrin with Roman swords at dawn. Rome appointed a new high priest and Caiaphas turned the temple into the biggest money-machine on earth. In 29 AD another king presented himself in Jerusalem and was bad for business. The high priest's slave, Malchus watched from the shadows, a fly on the wall, as his master devised the most infamous plot in human history; the arrest and execution of Jesus the Christ. At the time of the arrest supernatural phenomena surprised the mob and in the panic Malchus' ear was cut off. Jesus commanded the swords be put away, "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword," he said and then healed the ear. Malchus' amazing story is now revealed.