Hunting the Forsaken

Dusk to Dawn Series, #3

Reeks: Dusk to Dawn Series


"War coming to Sanlow, and I'll do anything to prevent it."

Only a short while ago, Bastian was under the impression that he had one notorious parent. The revelation that his mother, Amate, was the monster that all monsters feared—the vampire who singlehandedly took over the city of Sanlow and decimated entire cities just to wipe out any vampires hiding within—was a blow he's still struggling to comprehend.

He has no time to accept the fact before the foretold war between vampires and witches breaks out with the introduction of an entirely new monster—a Forsaken. With the capabilities of a witch and the strength of a vampire, they pose a threat to the witch city of Dawnhaven.

At the same time, one of the old coven leaders of Sanlow is launching an attack on Amate out of revenge.

With the help of friends new and old, he must save both cities before too many lives are lost. The odds are overwhelmingly against him, but one thing is certain: Bas is the only one who can stop the war.

Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives...

Dusk to Dawn Series

  • Prequel: Enchanted - Book of Spells
  • Book 1 - Awakening the Night
  • Book 2 - Surviving the Eclipse
  • Book 3 - Hunting the Forsaken
  • pro-mbooks3 : libris