A Course of Lectures
Ward C. Wheeler
- Systematics:
- A
- Course
- of
- Lectures
- is
- designed
- for
- use
- in
- an
- advanced
- undergraduate
- or
- introductory
- graduate
- level
- course
- in
- systematics
- and
- is
- meant
- to
- present
- core
- systematic
- concepts
- and
- literature.
- The
- book
- covers
- topics
- such
- as
- the
- history
- of
- systematic
- thinking
- and
- fundamental
- concepts
- in
- the
- field
- including
- species
- concepts,
- homology,
- and
- hypothesis
- testing.
- Analytical
- methods
- are
- covered
- in
- detail
- with
- chapters
- devoted
- to
- sequence
- alignment,
- optimality
- criteria,
- and
- methods
- such
- as
- distance,
- parsimony,
- maximum
- likelihood
- and
- Bayesian
- approaches.
- Trees
- and
- tree
- searching,
- consensus
- and
- super-tree
- methods,
- support
- measures,
- and
- other
- relevant
- topics
- are
- each
- covered
- in
- their
- own
- sections.The
- work
- is
- not
- a
- bleeding-edge
- statement
- or
- in-depth
- review
- of
- the
- entirety
- of
- systematics,
- but
- covers
- the
- basics
- as
- broadly
- as
- could
- be
- handled
- in
- a
- one
- semester
- course.
- Most
- chapters
- are
- designed
- to
- be
- a
- single
- 1.5
- hour
- class,
- with
- those
- on
- parsimony,
- likelihood,
- posterior
- probability,
- and
- tree
- searching
- two
- classes
- (2
- x
- 1.5 hours).
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