The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
If you are confused about your relationship, just follow this detailed, step-by-step guide for creating your best relationship ever. Read this comprehensive guide and learn how to reconnect, strengthen your relationship, improve communication, deepen intimacy, and more.
Easy-to-do exercises designed to get your relationship on track
This book has a perfect mix of theory and practice. It'll help you to implement the 9 essential tools for elegant, intimate relating. You'll learn how to communicate effectively and deeply, and you'll be introduced to sensuality exercises designed to get you in touch with your deepest passions. Do what is suggested, and you'll see results!
A user friendly guide to cure your relationship
This book is a valuable tool for those who desire to improve their relationship. It is full of tips and useful information to help you make your relationship exactly as you want it to be. Learning the principles described in this book will help you to keep your relationship alive, meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting.
This guide teaches the nuts and bolts of building and maintaining a great relationship.
It is designed to get you to stop looking outside of yourself, either for rescue, or to blame. You'll learn to take responsibility and ownership for your part, and only your part, of what happens in the relationship. Discover how to communicate with clarity and curiosity, and how to continue deepening your relationship over time.
Learn how to reconnect and strengthen your relationship by discovering:
Most helpful reader reviews
* "Reading this book is like having a private session... The book is practical, straightforward and clear... An excellent introduction to a life of personal development and meaning." - Bennet Wong, MD, Jock McKeen, MD
* "Wayne draws upon elegance, self-responsibility and unabashed honesty as the cornerstones for powerful and intimate relationships... Written with stories, case examples and suggestions." - Debashis Dutta MSW