A Bouquet of Glowing Rose and Lotus Flowers


The Bouquet of Glowing Rose and Lotus Flowers is a bundle of stories that are about Internal struggles when alone, Unspoken love and a life of being reborn from the beginning.

"Surviving The Region of Demons" is a story of a man who's life unexpectedly ended and in return is gifted life in a different universe. In this world he is no longer himself and must adjust to this change, luckily with divine help.

"Im-pup-vising Plans" revolves around a woman who has feelings towards a friend that is unaware. It's finally the night of her meeting with him but will probably have to cancel it due to not finding a babysitter for her puppies.

For the story "Don't Let The Darkness Drown You", it's about a man in his late 70's that has outlived his family. Bryan has spent most of his life on his boat and has chosen to dictate how he will spend his final moments.

Tags: Fantasy, Iseaki, Action, Drama, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Suspense, Adventure, Supernatural, Short Story

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