This little book is about an extraordinary new discovery. The Sanft Magic Order is so profound and yet so seemingly obvious that it is a wonder in itself how it has remained under the radar all this time. The unique and until now unknown-unknown is also something of an enigmatic riddle within a riddle. You kind of get the feeling that there are more subtle layers of magic in it then your depth of understanding has been able to fathom.
You’re aware that there is something else there but you can’t quite get your head around the essence of the thing. This book challenges you to find the new discovery for yourself by solving a riddle hidden in full view on the front cover of the book, after which you can compare your findings to the answers in this book. The answers however contain magical properties that kind of tell you that there is more to this than meets the eye, and that yet another riddle is hidden within the answers, waiting to be solved.
To participate in this game is optional. If you just want to know “what’s new”, please proceed and enjoy reading it as you would other educational books.
I trust you will enjoy a magical experience discovering something new that is truly beyond extraordinary. Please click on the Buy Button to purchase this book and enjoy seeing if you can deduce more than I have been able to. Thank you.