- This
- World
- Fantasy
- Award
- winner
- in
- the
- vein
- of
- Animal
- Farm
- delves
- into
- a
- lab
- worthy
- of
- a
- mad
- Nazi
- scientist—but
- run
- by
- a
- brilliantly
- sadistic
- rodent.In
- the
- annals
- of
- American
- literature,
- there
- has
- never
- been
- a
- character
- quite
- like
- Doctor
- Rat,
- PhD.
- From
- one
- of
- the
- most
- indispensable
- storytellers
- in
- speculative
- fiction,
- this
- biting
- satire
- introduces
- a
- narrator
- of
- learned
- charm
- and
- humor,
- and
- a
- twisted
- logic
- that
- is
- absolutely
- chilling.Doctor
- Rat
- is
- a
- credit
- to
- his
- species.
- A
- survivor
- of
- the
- most
- refined
- scientific
- experiments,
- now
- removed
- from
- the
- maze,
- he
- has
- become
- a
- valued
- and
- productive
- member
- of
- the
- academic
- community.
- When
- he
- must
- administer
- a
- lethal
- dose,
- he
- comforts
- his
- fellow
- rats
- with
- his
- compassionate
- slogan:
- “Death
- is
- freedom.”But
- everything
- changes
- when
- animals
- worldwide
- begin
- to
- rebel,
- refusing
- to
- accept
- their
- proper
- places
- in
- the
- natural
- order
- of
- things:
- as
- test
- subjects,
- pets,
- or
- food.
- And
- only
- Doctor
- Rat
- has
- the
- courage
- to
- defend
- mankind
- from
- the
- ungrateful
- animal
- kingdom.Hailed
- by
- the
- Los
- Angeles
- Times
- as
- “dazzlingly
- original”
- and
- “occasionally
- quite
- beautiful,”
- Doctor
- Rat
- is
- a
- sly
- and
- stylish
- indictment
- of
- fanaticism
- in
- mice
- and
- men.“A
- truly
- imaginative
- impresario
- .
- .
- .
- [Doctor
- Rat]
- teases
- your
- conscience
- with
- educated
- wit
- and
- versatile
- improvisation,
- not
- to
- mention
- the
- casual
- flick
- of
- the
- tail
- about
- to
- be
- cut
- off.”
- —Kirkus Reviews
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