The Amphora Project
William Kotzwinkle
- The
- World
- Fantasy
- Award–winning
- author
- of
- Doctor
- Rat
- offers
- “an
- entertaining
- trip
- through
- an
- exotic
- future”
- as
- the
- rich
- and
- powerful
- pursue
- immortality
- (Booklist).Deep
- in
- the
- bowels
- of
- Junk
- Moon,
- the
- finest
- scientists
- of
- Planet
- Immortal
- are
- nearing
- completion
- of
- Project
- Amphora,
- which
- aims
- to
- unlock
- the
- secret
- of
- life
- everlasting.
- The
- Project
- is
- run
- by
- the
- Consortium,
- twelve
- of
- the
- planet’s
- most
- influential
- movers
- and
- shakers,
- but
- they
- aren’t
- the
- only
- ones
- after
- immortality.
- Commander
- Jockey
- Oldcastle,
- a
- wise-cracking
- space
- pirate,
- has
- heard
- about
- the
- Amphora
- Project
- from
- a
- banished
- scientist
- who
- is
- convinced
- it
- will
- lead
- to
- the
- end
- of
- the
- world.
- Oldcastle
- sets
- off
- to
- find
- the
- project,
- only
- to
- find
- himself
- unraveling
- a
- strange
- mystery:
- It
- seems
- the
- Amphora
- Project
- is
- turning
- the
- citizens
- of
- Planet
- Immortal
- into
- crystal.
- As
- time
- runs
- out,
- it
- is
- up
- to
- Oldcastle,
- his
- botanist
- partner
- Link—and
- Link’s
- exotic,
- unlikely
- love
- interest—to
- stop
- an
- extradimensional
- enemy
- before
- their
- world
- is
- lost
- forever.The
- Amphora
- Project
- “twists
- along
- at
- breakneck
- pace”,
- combining
- elements
- of
- science
- fiction
- and
- fantasy
- while
- transcending
- the
- boundaries
- of
- both
- (Publishers
- Weekly).“Full
- of
- weird
- tech
- and
- plenty
- of
- heroics
- and
- adventure
- in
- the
- company
- of
- bizarre
- creatures.” —Booklist
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