- In
- this
- “psychological
- mind
- bender,”
- a
- Kafkaesque
- crisis
- of
- identity
- transports
- a
- famous
- actor
- from
- 1980s
- Hollywood
- to
- Nazi
- Germany
- (The
- Washington
- Post).At
- forty-five,
- Hollywood
- film
- star
- David
- Caspian
- should
- be
- basking
- in
- his
- success.
- Instead,
- his
- career
- is
- souring
- as
- he
- stresses
- over
- the
- next
- generation
- of
- actors
- eager
- to
- replace
- him.
- Losing
- himself
- in
- waking
- fantasies,
- David
- slips
- through
- a
- crack
- in
- time,
- awakening
- in
- the
- back
- alleys
- of
- Hitler’s
- Berlin.
- He
- is
- no
- longer
- David
- Caspian.
- He
- has
- become
- Felix,
- a
- ruthless
- black
- marketeer.With
- the
- Gestapo
- closing
- in
- on
- him,
- David
- races
- against
- time—and
- space—as
- he
- fights
- to
- take
- control
- of
- Felix
- before
- Felix
- takes
- control
- of
- him.
- Witty,
- macabre,
- and
- utterly
- thrilling,
- The
- Exile
- is
- a
- mesmerizing
- novel
- that
- will
- leave
- readers
- wondering
- where
- reality
- ends
- and
- fiction
- begins.People
- wrote
- that
- when
- William
- Kotzwinkle
- “is
- the
- author,
- readers
- can
- be
- sure
- only
- that
- the
- book
- in
- question
- will
- be
- different
- from
- everything
- else.”
- But
- even
- among
- the
- award-winning
- author’s
- work,
- this
- bracing
- satire
- stands
- out
- for
- the
- sweep
- of
- its
- vision,
- full
- of
- “comedy,
- despair,
- horror
- and
- technical
- storytelling
- delight”
- (The
- New
- York
- Times
- Book
- Review).“The
- book
- becomes
- glued
- to
- the
- reader’s
- hands
- as
- the
- devastating
- climactic
- scenes
- pile
- one
- on
- another.
- .
- .
- .
- Powerful
- writing.”
- —The
- Washington
- Post
- Book World
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