Copeland & McClung


The lives of Alexander McClung and James Copeland intersect amidst a backdrop of history and the supernatural. McClung, known as "The Black Knight of the South" for the many duels he fought and won, and Copeland, leader of the notorious Wages and Copeland gang, made their indelible mark on Antebellum Mississippi.

Fast forward to 1906, where author Kenneth Beckman has delved into McClung's life for a book. He unexpectedly discovers Copeland's skeletal remains in a small town pharmacy and encounters his spirit, who informs him that Copeland's path crossed with McClung's shortly before the latter's death.

Beckman's journey blends historical fact with fiction as he explores McClung's enigmatic life and deals with Copeland's insistence that his own story is told as well. As he intertwines McClung's story with transcripts of his encounters with Copeland's spirit, the lines between reality, imagination, and historical truth blur.

Along the way, Beckman befriends a local orphan teen and faces adversaries, including the future US Senator Theodore Bilbo, and one of Copeland's surviving victims who has plans for the deceased remains. His quest reaches a climactic moment where history, madness, and the supernatural collide, forever altering his understanding of the world and himself.

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