Red Sounding


Starting in 1982-83, Cold War era, this novel follows the story of Lieutenant Zhora Ivankov and Mikhail Koryavin on their submarine,
K-389. Zhora, a disgrace to his father in the admiralty, is sent to the dry-docked sub, K-389 in a last ditched effort to remove him from his sight and end his son's career. Relieved to find his old academy friend, Mikhail, Zhora's disdain dies down as he believes they share something that only he interpreted. Prejudice and paranoia run rampant throughout the sailors onboard as a crew member is discovered murdered.

When Zhora is implicated to be a homosexual, one of his fellow officers with some other enlisted men leave him to die. A seasoned vampire saves Zhora and gives him a second chance, a chance for vengeance. With his newfound powers, Zhora arrives back to the submarine just before it is sent out to sea on its first deterrent patrol in the shadow of an American annual fleet exercise. Through his deception, Zhora will attempt to take control of the submarine and start a new world order.

If you are a fan of Cold War thrillers, this is just for you. If you are a fan of vampire or supernatural stories at all, this is just for you. If you want a unique take on homosexuality and how it influences people, this is just for you. The way the submarine operates is detailed, but not too much to have you scratching your head.

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