Psycholinguistically Approaching Trilinguals
Xiaowen Ji
- This
- book
- studies
- Dutch-English-Mandarin
- trilinguals
- to
- answer
- research
- questions
- about
- trilinguals'
- mental
- lexicon
- representation
- pattern,
- routes
- for
- L3
- conceptual
- access,
- and
- the
- role
- of
- instruction
- language
- herein.
- To
- gain
- scientific
- and
- reliable
- results,
- interviews,
- questionnaires
- and
- experiment
- series
- were
- all
- adopted
- for
- different
- purposes.
- Besides,
- this
- study
- compares
- trilinguals
- with
- lower
- and
- higher
- L3
- levels
- to
- map
- the
- developmental
- trajectories
- of
- trilinguals'
- mental
- lexicon
- representation
- and
- L3
- conceptual
- access.
- The
- current
- research
- proposes
- a
- three-stage
- hypothesis
- and
- a
- parabola-shaped
- model,
- to
- explain
- the
- role
- of
- L2
- as
- instruction
- language
- throughout
- L3
- learning
- process
- and
- its
- contrast
- with
- the
- role
- of
- L1.
- Moreover,
- Trilinguals'
- All-Connected
- Models
- of
- mental
- lexicon
- representation
- and
- L3
- conceptual
- access
- are
- the
- first
- attempts
- to
- give
- detailed
- descriptions
- of
- trilinguals'
- mental
- lexicon
- representation
- and
- L3
- conceptual
- access
- from
- both
- static
- and
- developmental
- perspectives.
- Furthermore,
- it
- sheds
- light
- on
- foreign
- language
- teaching
- and
- learning
- practice,
- and
- contributes
- to
- further
- improving
- overseas
- Chinese
- language
- teaching
- and
- culture
- spreading
- performances,
- thus
- fulfilling
- its
- theoretical,
- methodological
- and
- practical values.